Our Safeguarding Curriculum
What is Safeguarding?
Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm. This means:
protecting children from abuse and maltreatment
preventing harm to children’s health or development
ensuring children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care
taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcomes.
How do we teach children about safeguarding?
Pupil safeguarding and the promotion of fundamental British values are a core business of our work at Woodland View Primary School. Great importance is placed on identifying opportunities in the taught curriculum for children to learn about safeguarding. Our broad curriculum gives pupils opportunities to experience life in all its diversity, to acquire knowledge, understanding and skills that significantly impact on personal development, behaviour and welfare and equips every child with the knowledge and skills required for personal safeguarding. Our PSHE & RSE curriculum covers all areas of Safeguarding through each of the strands. We are sensitive in our teaching and recognise that some more sensitive subjects need to be taught at an age appropriate level, or at a small group or 1:1 level where a more urgent need arises.
There are many opportunities throughout our learning in school to explore safeguarding issues.
Practical safeguarding opportunities are planned into the curriculum. For example:
- Road and rail safety (including out of school visits, Bikeability, working with police officers in the community)
- Poolside and water safety through swimming lessons
- Fire awareness (including visits from the local fire service)
- Visits to school from medical staff
- Visitors from charities such as Barnados, NSPCC, The Dogs Trust - including some focused projects
- Work from local voluntary sector services, particularly around safe transition to Secondary School
- Online safety quizzes and training
- The use of curriculum ambassadors in school
- Our Outdoor Learning Provision, which incorporates being safe in the outdoors
- What to do if you are separated from your group (in relation to school visits)
- Safe use of technology including password security and privacy settings
We have developed an open and safe learning environment in which pupils express their views, seek help and help others, they make use of our Blue Butterfly symbol to share concerns with staff. The promotion of equality of opportunity and diversity, for pupils and staff, helps prevent any form of direct or indirect discriminatory behaviour. Our children learn to not tolerate any prejudiced behaviour. Our behaviour policy promotes making good choices and exhibiting good learning behaviours.
Staff and children are quick to challenge stereotypes and the use of derogatory language in lessons and around school. Our school reflects the diversity of pupils’ experiences and provides pupils with a comprehensive understanding of people and communities beyond their immediate experience, including the role of women in society and different family groups. Throughout the curriculum there are planned opportunities to promote all forms of equality and foster greater understanding of and respect for people of all faiths (and those with no faith), races, genders, ages and disability.
Please see our overview of safeguarding opportunities in our curriculum below:
Safeguarding - Whole School Overview
Online Safety Overview

Protected Characteristics Poster

British Values