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  • Y6 Leavers

    Published 19/07/24

    You may be intrigued to find out more about our Year 6 leavers this year. There were two performances this week for parents to attend and the Year 6s were magnificent. They used songs, dance, poems and speech to tell the story of their time at our school. The leavers this year was based around the book - Maybe.

    You can see some images of our leavers below as well as links to some of their videos used in the performance. Best of luck to all of our leaving Year 6s. We wish you the very best for the future. Remember you are always a child of Woodland View, so feel free to come and visit us any time!

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  • Headteacher End of Year Message

    Published 18/07/24

    19th July 2024.

    Dear parents,

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  • Headteacher Newsletter 427

    Published 11/07/24

    Dear parents, please read on for the latest Woodland View news, including Election Day, Summer Reading Challenge, the School Website and Parent Survey.

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  • NFL Flag Success

    Published 05/07/24

    On Wednesday, a team of Year 6 children represented the school, county and East Midlands region at the NFL Flag National Championships! This was an amazing achievement and first in school history! The competition was organised by the NFL and took place at Loughborough University. The team had previously won at both county and regional level without losing a game.

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  • Strictly Schools Dance Competition

    Published 24/06/24

    Strictly Schools Dance Competition

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  • Headteacher Newsletter No.426

    Published 24/06/24

    Hot Weather

    You’ll be aware that the weather has warmed up considerably in recent days and this looks to continue this week! As wonderful as the sunshine is, we have some key messages and reminders to help keep the children protected.

    On hotter days, we will:

    • Limit the time children spend outside, and encourage them to stay in the shade and not run around too much
    • Remind children to keep drinking through the day
    • Ask children to remove jumpers, cardigans, PE hoodies and ties (for Y5/6)
    • Pull the blinds in classrooms to block out the sun
    • Keep rooms well ventilated, including using fans
    • Remind children to wear hats outside 

    Parents please:

    • Apply sunscreen on your child before school
    • Make sure they have a refillable drink
    • Provide a hat
    • Discourage jumpers, cardigans, PE hoodies

    Key Events

    As we enter the final stretch of the school year, there are still many exciting school events coming up! 

    Today - Cinema Club - straight after school and finishing at 5pm. The children will enjoy a hotdog and drink whilst watching a popular film with their friends. All money raised goes to the wonderful Friends of Woodland View.

    This week - Sports Days - Thursday morning for Foundation Stage (9-10.15am) and Years 1&2 (10.15am-12.15pm). Friday morning for Years 5&6 (9-11.30am) and Friday afternoon for Years 3&4 (12.50-3.10pm). Children must wear PE kits on their Sports Day. If you are coming to watch, please arrive at the usual drop-off gate at the start time. You may bring outdoor chairs and picnic blankets if you wish, and there will be refreshments available so you may want to bring your purse or wallet! We are keeping an eye on the weather forecast for this event but it is likely to go ahead as planned. Please ensure your child is prepared for the heat, as per the instruction in this newsletter.

    Week beginning 8th July - Open View sessions for all classes. Please see the days and times below (previously shared) to ensure you don’t miss this lovely opportunity to sit with your child, in the sunshine, and see the wonderful work they have produced this year!

    Friday 12th July - our annual Summer Fayre begins straight after school and finishes at 5pm. With games, raffles, tombolas, refreshments and music, this is a summer treat not to miss!

    Friday 19th July - Leavers’ Guard of Honour at 3pm - all parents are invited to see the children and staff create our infamous Guard of Honour on the field for the Year 6 children to go through on their final day at Woodland View! 

    More Sport Success

    Our sporting success has continued in the last couple of weeks as our Year 6 Girls cricket teams finished 3rd and 4th out of 16 schools at District Level. 

    Our Year 6 Netball teams finished 1st and 2nd out of 14 schools at District Level, which now means both squads qualify for the County Finals next week. This feat of two teams from the same school qualifying for a County competition in the same event has never been done before in Northamptonshire School Sport!  

    Finally, our NFL American Football Flag squad won their Regional Event recently which means they are competing at the National Event on Wednesday against teams from across the country! This is the first time a school team has reached National Level. 

    Well done to the hugely talented and committed children for their preparation and performance at these events! Mr Willars, Mrs Walker, myself and Mr Johnson have been the coaches across these squads - and we have thoroughly enjoyed working with the pupils!

    Strictly Dancers

    Our Strictly Dance squads were out and competing last weekend. Follow the link for more information:

    School Blogs

    For more news on what is happening in your child’s class, please check out the school blogs page at

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  • Headteacher Newsletter 425

    Published 12/06/24

    Dear parents, please read the following Headteacher Newsletter which includes an important update on Attendance Guidance from September.

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  • Creativity Value Awards - May 2024

    Published 23/05/24

    This morning we celebrated our CREATIVITY value awards. Mr Horsley led the two assemblies and the children were eager to find out and celebrate the achievements of the winners. Each of the teachers spoke passionately about the winners and the reasons for their selections.

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  • Headteacher Newsletter 424

    Published 16/05/24

    Dear parents, please read on for the latest news and information on special events coming up for your child!

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  • Woodlan Times - Spring 2 Edition

    Published 19/04/24

    Please select the PDF file below for your very own copy of the Woodland Times - Spring 2 Edition

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  • Headteacher Newsletter 423

    Published 19/04/24

    Dear parents,

    Welcome back!
    We hope you all had a wonderful Easter break. It has been lovely to see the children back this week, working hard and showing enthusiasm towards their new curriculum themes!

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  • Honesty Values Awards

    Published 08/04/24

    On the final Thursday of the term we celebrated our Honesty Values Awards winners.

    Mr Horsley led the celebration assemblies for KS1/FS and KS2, encouraging the children to dance down our famous red carpet to receive the coveted Honesty Value Awards. The children were wonderfully supportive of their peers and winners. Furthermore, we all enjoyed hearing the words of the teachers as they explained why each winner had been selected.

    We also celebrated all the children who had both entered and won our Reading Pillowcase Competition. Here are a selection of winners and entries alongside Mrs Matsangou, Mrs Warren and Mrs Speirs who ran the competition. It was super to see the range of different books and creativity the children had demonstrated in creating their pillowcases.

    Please enjoy the following video sideshow of ALL the entries.


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