A Culture of Safeguarding at WVPS
All who attend Woodland View have a commitment to keeping the children and one another safe. This commitment underpins a culture of safeguarding that is promoted throughout our building; signalled by the numerous posters that fashion the walls.

The Blue Butterfly
At Woodland View Primary School, we teach all children to recognise the ‘Blue Butterfly’ as a symbol representing how to keep themselves safe. They know that if they see or experience something that gives them "the butterflies" – an unsettling feeling in their tummy- they should share it with a trusted adult.
The Blue Butterfly features on all of our safeguarding communication to all stakeholders including; posters around school, displays within every classroom and learning space, as part of our safeguarding assemblies and within all safeguarding communication to visitors. Our Designated Safeguarding Team proudly wear a Blue Butterfly on their lanyard but the children know that they can talk to any adult in school to share a worry.
The Rainbow Room
The Rainbow room is our hub for pastoral support. This unique space is used by children when they need time and space to talk through their feelings. We are very lucky to have a knowledgeable team of staff who support our children in school to explore their challenges, however big or small. With a wealth of training in specific interventions such as; Lego therapy, protective behaviours, bereavement support and wellbeing.
We also utilise the expertise of wider professionals to come in and support our children and who do so within our Rainbow room.