Employees of the Future
Creating Employees of the Future
Developing transferable life skills
At Woodland View we believe it is important to provide children with opportunities to learn skills that will prepare them for future careers and employment. Some of these skills include communication, teamwork, negotiation, time management, persuasion, problem solving, adapting to change, leadership, creativity, organisation and perseverance. Therefore, these groups and teams, set up and overseen by staff, allow children to develop these vital skills.

Our helpful team, alongside adult volunteers, run our library at lunchtime and after school. Their duties include issuing and renewing books, creating displays, stocking the shelves, solving problems and helping children choose books. Some of our librarians also read to the younger children and support them with activities.
Sport Leaders
Our committed team referee football matches at lunchtime, helping children follow the rules, keep safe and, therefore, have fun. They also create fair teams to play matches.

Milk Monitors

Two small but well organised teams deliver the milk throughout the school. They calculate the number of cartons required in each class, do a stock check (monitoring the dates carefully), keep the fridges clean and orderly, and then deliver the milk each morning break time. They liaise with the staff in the Office if there are any issues.
Fruit Monitors
Our committed team counts and delivers fruit to our foundation stage and key stage one classrooms every breaktime. They work quickly and efficiently, monitoring the stock levels and liaising with Miss Hicklin if there are any issues.

Recycling Team

Once a week, this energetic team gets their daily steps in by whizzing around each classroom (and communal space) in order to gather up the recycling bins and ferry them to our Site Supervisor who helps empty them into the large recycling bin. Finally, they return the recycling bins to the correct rooms - often without anyone even noticing they have been there!
Lunch Bands Team
Our helpful team works together to ensure classes all receive their lunch bands prior to the school day starting, thus enabling teachers to resolve any issues early in the day.

Lunch Hall Team

We have a small team on hand each day to assist our fabulous lunchtime supervisors. They help with serving meals, demonstrating cutlery skills, handing out cutlery and drinks as well as teaching the younger children to carefully tidy away their plates after meals.
Media Team
Our creative team works in pairs to write a report focused on a school issue which then forms a monthly newsletter. Each pair must decide on a report topic, find out the key information, interview a relevant person, take a photograph and write up their report before a given deadline.

Poppy Team

In the weeks leading up to Remembrance Day, this fabulous team works hard to create some promotional material for the school to raise the profile of the poppy and the fundraising items that we will have on offer. They then work in smaller teams to visit each classroom to sell the merchandise. They interact with our whole school community, handle money and ensure fairness when the children are selecting what to buy.
FOWV Helpers
Our generous helpers volunteer to support our parent committee to run events which raise money for the school. These events include cake and ice-cream sales, tombolas, summer and Christmas fairs. They interact with parents, handle money and persuade potential customers to buy products.
Litter Pickers

Our keen group of children from year 6 keep an eye on the tidiness of our school site. It is down to them to work together to use litter pickers and bin bags to collect and safely dispose of litter ensuring our playground and field areas remain tidy and clean.
Classroom and Corridor Book Monitors
As our books are so precious to us, they deserve their very own team to look after them. Our book monitors ensure that all books have been returned to the correct shelves, have been put away carefully and are in tip top condition. Sometimes our book monitors rearrange the books to feature different texts. They also make sure that our ‘special books’ are kept separate from the main shelf books and reading scheme.

PE Cupboard and Music Room Tidy Teams

Since the PE cupboards and Music room are filled with resources, it is inevitable that they become a little untidy at times and our monitors do spot checks on these areas and ensure that everything has been put away in the correct place and as carefully as possible.
Assembly Monitors
Our organised team sets up the hall for assemblies, assists the teacher giving assemblies, prepares music from the model music curriculum playlists and manages the use of the computer by controlling powerpoints, stopping and starting backing tracks and controlling the volume.

Team I.T.
This group of specially skilled children support and enable the continuing functioning of the IT hardware around the school. They trial new hardware and software, support the general maintenance of the network and printers, and offer support in the delivery of lessons - all while gathering a new range of skills and awareness of I.T. Additionally, they, under the watchful eye of Mr Johnson, run a micro-bit club for year 5 and 6.