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Headteacher Newsletter 436

Dear parents, please read on for information about Children's Mental Health Week, the success of Walk to School Week, the Friends of Woodland View, Lost Property and Special Science Assemblies.

Children’s Mental Health Week - 3rd - 9th February

Children’s mental health week is a nationally recognised, annual event that shines a spotlight on the importance of children and young people’s mental health. The focus for this year is ‘know yourself, grow yourself’.

At Woodland View Primary School, we want to inspire children, enable them to enjoy their life and learning, which will result in them achieving great accolades. We also know that life can be tricky at times and it can present us with challenges to overcome. Therefore, we believe it is important to teach our children how to stay healthy and well - both physically and mentally.

Next week, throughout their lunchtimes, all children will have the opportunity to take part in activities that will support a positive mindset. The activities will help them to relax, focus, be present and appreciate themselves. Activities which will be available include positive pebbles, mindfulness colouring and motivating movement.

Please do take some time to talk to your child(ren) about the importance of having a healthy mind and ways to overcome feelings of challenge.


Walk to School Week - Thank you!

We recently completed our first Walk to School Week. It was great to see so many children really excited about earning stickers as they passed the sticker points. I also had many lovely conversations with parents who said how much they have enjoyed a longer walk to school with their child. And also, many parents who live in Grange Park commented positively on the improvement in the busyness and general atmosphere!

Walking to school has many benefits. We have shared some of these with the children, such as: extra exercise, appreciating nature, reducing pollution and congestion, clearing our heads, talking with others.

Please support this initiative to continue so that we see fewer cars outside of school at the busy drop-off and collection times. I would love to continue to hear stories of parents who park away from school and walk in! 

Thank you to all for striving to keep our community safe.

Friends of Woodland View - looking for volunteers and key roles

A ping communication recently shared the news that we are keen to bolster our numbers for volunteers and key role positions in our very successful PTA ‘The Friends of Woodland View’. Thank you to those who responded! 

To find out more about the great work they do and how this impacts our school, please watch this video 

If you have any questions about joining, then you can contact our Chair, Bex, at


Lost property

We have gathered lots of lost property this term. We have 2 lost property ‘bins/boxes’ which found items are placed in (one on the top playground and inside at the front office). We have a fantastic group of Lost Property monitors who strive to return named items too. Nevertheless, we would like to clear our collection therefore we will be putting the lost property we have out on tables during drop-off and collection times for several days. Please take any missing or unwanted items.

Special Science Assemblies

Recently, the children were treated to some exciting Science assemblies where they witnessed some explosive experiments with Mrs Hodgson and Miss Brahimaj! These assemblies were a great way to inspire the children through science, and whet the appetite for the older children who may choose to enter the Science Fair next term (more information on this to follow!)



Please visit our blog pages at to see what your child has been learning recently. Recent blogs include the children’s visits to the Life Education tent for a special session! Here is a taster of what you may see in the blogs…

Key Dates

Week beginning 3rd February - Mental Health Week - details above
Tuesday 4th & Thursday 6th February - Y6 Parents’ Evening
Thursday 13th February - FOWV Valentines Cake Sale - after school
Thursday 13th February - Year 3 Performance for parents - 6pm
Friday 14th February - term ends
Monday 24th February - term begins
Week beginning Monday 3rd March - Storytelling Week including World Book Day - details to follow
Monday 3rd - Wednesday 5th March - Year 6 Residential
Friday 7th March - World Book Day (including dress-up!) - details to follow 
Week beginning Monday 10th March - Achieve With Me - parent visits to school - 2.30-3pm
Monday (Y1&Y3) Tuesday (Y2&Y4) Wednesday (FS) Friday (Y5&6)

Many thanks,
Mark Horsley