Courage Values Awards - Oct 2024

On Friday, we all shared in our two values awards assemblies. These termly, assemblies help to celebrate each of our six different school values. This term's focus value was COURAGE. Mr Horsley led the proceedings and the dancing! It was great to see how all the children help to support and share in the successes of the two COURAGE value winners from each class.
Each teacher was invited to say a few words about how they had chosen their winners. In addition, Miss Wagstaff, now famed for her poems at such assemblies, shared one that she had found to match the occasion.
Courage to speak up,
Courage to stand up.
Courage to say yes,
Courage to say no.
Courage to make a change,
to view something in a new light,
courage to let go,
courage to go after.
Courage to start, courage to end.
Courage to walk away, to sit still,
courage to grow.
Courage, also, to stop.
Everything begins with courage.
By Nicole Warner.
Photos of the Courage Value Award winners
Foundation Stage awarded their winners separately this time, but will be in the main Values Assemblies in December for the KINDNESS awards.
Mrs Cox then reminded us of the meaning of next term's focus value... KINDNESS.
Well done to ALL the children for their efforts towards this term's value - COURAGE. We wish you all a happy half-term!