Headteacher Newsletter 430

Dear parents, please read on to find out about Year Group Guide Videos, our exciting Conflict Charity Project, Wearing Yellow for Mental Health, Black History Month, School Blogs and Key Dates.
Year Group Guide Videos
Your children have settled back into school brilliantly! Now that they are in a new year group, we are sure that you have lots of questions! As a school, we have also made lots of positive changes over the last couple of years that we want to share with you.
Teachers in all year groups (Y1- Y6) have created an information video to give both you and your child an insight into what to expect this year. All year groups are different and I would urge all parents to watch, even if you have had older children go through already.
Some highlights:
- What makes Year…different?
- Themes in Year…
- Spellings, writing, reading
- Maths, Times Tables
- Homework expectations
- And so much more!
The links to the videos can be found here. https://www.wvps.northants.sch.uk/page/?title=Year+Group+Information+Guides&pid=77
We hope that you enjoy finding out a little more about what your children will learn about in their new year groups this year.
If your child is in Foundation Stage, your information will be shared at the Foundation Stage Curriculum Evening on Monday 7th October in school at 6pm. A video will be shared on the school website following this.
Conflict Charity Project
The children have experienced a number of exciting events in school to help launch our half-term curriculum driver - Conflict.
Last Monday, Mrs Matsangou held a whole school assembly where the concept of conflict was explored and discussed, using the definition of what conflict is:
Conflict is when there is a clash between individuals because they have a difference in thought process, attitudes, understanding, interests and even sometimes perceptions.
The children recognised the difference between ‘healthy’ conflict and times when conflict becomes unhealthy and has negative consequences.
Following the assembly, all pupils went back to class and explored the impact that conflict can have on children. This was discussed through the use of an age-appropriate children’s book.
In classes, the children learnt about three different charities that work hard to help children who are impacted negatively by conflict. All children were then given a token and voted for the charity that they’d like to support.
We are happy to announce the results and therefore the totals that will be donated to each charity…
The children will continue to explore the concept of conflict for the remainder of the half-term through their learning themes.
Wear Yellow for Mental Health Day - Thursday 10th October
On Thursday 10th October 2024, we will join thousands across the country to raise awareness for World Mental Health Day by saying #HelloYellow. We are asking the children to come to school wearing MUFTI with something yellow if possible (or your child's favourite colours) to make the day brighter. This could be wearing yellow socks, headbands, t-shirts, ribbons or anything colourful you can find in your wardrobe.
By saying #HelloYellow we recognise the incredible work that the charity Young Minds do to support children’s mental health. We are not asking for donations but if you’d like to show your support, please visit:
Black History Month 
This Tuesday (1st October) marks the start of Black History Month. Mrs Matsangou held a whole school assembly this morning to teach the children about the significance of this month. The children were introduced to the children’s book, Coming to England, to explore the significance of Windrush. The assembly was a celebration of black history, culture, music and (Mrs Matsangou’s favourite annual event) Notting Hill Carnival.
School Blogs!
We may have only been back a few weeks, but there have already been some incredible learning experiences taking place across the school. Each year group updates their blog every week; please take a look at what your child has been learning about (we know they don’t always tell you!) via this link
Here is a little sneak peek of some of the action...
Key Dates
Monday 7th October - Curriculum Evening for Foundation Stage parents - 6pm in school
Wednesday 16th and Thursday 17th October - Individual & Sibling Photo Day in school
Friday 18th October - Year 1 Pirate Day
Thursday 24th October - Halloween Cake Sale - 3.15pm
Friday 25th October - School Term Ends
Monday 4th November - New Term Begins
Tuesday 5th November and Thursday 7th November - Parents’ Evenings - Appointments to be sent out soon
Week Beginning 11th November - Achieve With Me - 9-9.30am each day. Specific days sent previously via https://www.wvps.northants.sch.uk/news/?pid=11&nid=2&storyid=58
Yours sincerely,
Mark Horsley