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Inspire Day with the Volkswagen Group

Yesterday, we were very exited to host a day of inspiration by the Volkswagen Group. A lovely group of employees from the company visited the school and carried out a range of activities to inspire the children.

There were special assembies for both KS1 and 2 where the children learnt about the different cars the company make and other interesting facts, such as how to identify an electric vehicle.

Year 5 were on their trip to the Space Centre (See the Y5 blog) but all of the other year groups got a chance to explore some of the different cars the company make - and braved the elements in doing so!

In addtion, Year 6 had some special workshops looking at the designing and marketing of the cars - where they recieved some top tips and expert advice.

Many of our children felt inspired by the day, giving them an interesting glimpse into potential employment routes for their futures. Thank you to Mrs Lynch (our School Business Manager) and the team from the VW Group for all of their work on this special, inspiring day!